Popescu Valentin Stefan


Prophetic BLOOD MOON Over Jerusalem July 16-17, 2019 / Peace Deal?
05 Jun 2019
Prophetic BLOOD MOON Over Jerusalem July 16-17, 2019 / Peace Deal?
Popescu Valentin Stefan · 1120 Vizualizari

PEACE & SECURITY 049Jesus explains BEWARE Peace and Safety!

 1681 Vizualizari
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PEACE and SECURITY 049Jesus explains BEWARE Peace and Safety! 1 Thessalonians 5:3 KJV. My Word is a lamp unto your feet, a light unto your path (Ps119:105). My Word shines a light on what is ahead. There are many today teaching that the whole of Daniel’s 70th week shall be a time of tribulation. I taught no such thing! Allow me to explain what my Word teaches. My Word teaches that when the Antichrist figure is revealed, he shall confirm the covenant with many, for one “week” – the last 7 years before my return. (Dan7:8 Dan9:27) Throughout Daniel Chapter 11, this covenant is referred to as the “holy covenant” – not a peace treaty. (Dan11:28,30,32) However, this event shall bring about an era of “peace and safety” which will allow the Jews to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem and resume their daily sacrifice. (1Thess5:3 Dan11:1-2 Dan9:27) Nevertheless, when the world shall proclaim “peace and safety”, my Word forewarns that sudden destruction shall come, as travail upon a woman about to give birth. (1Thess5:3) This shall happen in the midst of Daniel’s 70th week, when the Antichrist shall cause the daily sacrifice to cease, and place the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet in the holy place – the third Jewish temple; and the Antichrist shall sit in the temple of God as God, and above all that is called God. (Dan9:27 Rev11:1-2 2Thess2:4) This is what my Word teaches! Therefore, contrary to what the po****r preachers teach, Daniel 9:27 does not refer to a peace agreement. The prophecy only speaks about the ‘holy’ covenant. (Dan9:27 Dan11:28,30,32) And contrary to what the po****r preachers teach, my Word speaks nothing about a 7-year tribulation. My Word speaks about a time of “peace and safety” before the great tribulation begins. (1Thess5:3 Matt24:15 + Dan9:27 + Matt24:21) And then, I made it clear in Matthew 24:15 that when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place – and that event happens in the midst of Daniel’s 70th “week”, then shall be great tribulation. (See Matt24:21) I then concluded the matter in Matthew 24:29-31, when I said that the sign of my coming shall be … the sign of my coming in the clouds, with power and great glory to resurrect all that believe in me, on the last day (Jn6:39,40,44,54), in a one-day, one-time “first resurrection” (Rev20:5) that shall happen when the sun and the moon go dark, immediately after the tribulation. (Read and compare Rev6:12-13 and Matt24:29-31) My Word gives light – it gives understanding to the simple – those who simply want to know the truth of my coming! (Ps119:105 Ps119:130)

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Prophetic BLOOD MOON Over Jerusalem July 16-17, 2019 / Peace Deal?
05 Jun 2019
Prophetic BLOOD MOON Over Jerusalem July 16-17, 2019 / Peace Deal?
Popescu Valentin Stefan · 1120 Vizualizari