Popescu Valentin Stefan


Prophecy Update End Times News Headlines  - 7/17/19
18 Jul 2019
Prophecy Update End Times News Headlines - 7/17/19
Popescu Valentin Stefan · 1387 Vizualizari

Pope Prophecy Alert: This Just Happened & Is Something Right Out of the book of Revelation!

 1173 Vizualizari

This is a Pope Prophecy alert, update! If we are wise, Our focus must be both on current events and end time, end times Bible Prophecy! Pope Francis greeted Thunberg a few weeks ago and the sign she held up is very signficant. Yes something big, Something prophetic, something right out of the book of Revelation is coming May 24 and the media is only telling us half the news story.
In this video I will tell you the real news behind the news.
I will give you a heads up that it has everything to do with the Pope and something that was on a small sign held by a 16 year old girl in St. Peter’s Square weeks ago and tragically most do not have a clue exactly what it means!
The Pope is on the move and the world is blindly following his global agenda.
Well Get ready for the rest of the story that you cannot afford to miss. Stay tuned.

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Music Credits:
Evan King - Enchiridion

Mattia Cupelli

Calming Piano - Steps
JP Lukini
Music provided by Free Music JPL https://youtube.com/c/FreeMusicJPL jesus

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Popescu Valentin Stefan

Pt a fi sigilati de Dumnezeu si pt a fi siguri de mantuire trebuie sa tinem sfant Sabatul Adevarat al Sambetei,si sa nu facem nici o lucrare lumeasca in aceasta zi sfintita de Dumnezeu ci sa facem doar Lucrarea Cereasca pe care a facut-o Iisus!

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Prophecy Update End Times News Headlines  - 7/17/19
18 Jul 2019
Prophecy Update End Times News Headlines - 7/17/19
Popescu Valentin Stefan · 1387 Vizualizari