Popescu Valentin Stefan


JESUS Film Hebrew-חסד אדנינו ישוע המשיח עם כלכם כל הקדושים אמן׃ (Revelation 22:21)
28 Apr 2019
JESUS Film Hebrew-חסד אדנינו ישוע המשיח עם כלכם כל הקדושים אמן׃ (Revelation 22:21)
Novák Árpi · 2370 Vizualizari

When Will Jesus Come as a Thief?

 1989 Vizualizari
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What does it mean when the Bible says the future coming of Jesus will be like a thief in the night? And does the Bible conclusively tell us when Jesus will come as a thief? This video provides the answers! For more info, see: http://www.lastdaysdetective.com/

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Popescu Valentin Stefan

Iata de ce Rapirea Sfintilor e la finalul istoriei pacatului pe Pamant,nu inainte cu 7 sau cu 3 ani si 6 luni,insa datoria noastra e sa veghem mereu in sfintenie pt ca Domnul Iisus va reveni sa judece viii si mortii cand nu ne asteptam,plus ca nu stim fiecare cand trecem la cele vesnice la judecata dreapta a Lui Iisus Hristos!

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JESUS Film Hebrew-חסד אדנינו ישוע המשיח עם כלכם כל הקדושים אמן׃ (Revelation 22:21)
28 Apr 2019
JESUS Film Hebrew-חסד אדנינו ישוע המשיח עם כלכם כל הקדושים אמן׃ (Revelation 22:21)
Novák Árpi · 2370 Vizualizari